Lots of small things going through my head right now, none of which deserve a post to it's own. So I'm just going to talk about everything.
I completely destroyed my knee snowboarding last night. The snow conditions were probably the worst I've ever experienced. If I didn't wear a helmet last night, I'd probably be in the hospital right now. I'm in pain, lots and lots of pain.
Wow, did the Angel's really give Cabrera a 32 million dollar/4-year deal? I like the guy, but 32 mil is a little over the top. The Cardinals must be pissed right now.
Is there anybody cooler than Snoop Dogg? Anybody?
There's nothing better than living in a Italian neighborhood during the holidays. Everybody goes all out. Driving down my street this time of year is like driving through an amusement park. 10 foot Santas, blown up Snowmen, different lighting themes (gingerbread house, american flag, crazy blinking patterns). It's awesome.
Why do people in my office refuse to flush the urinal? Is there something about the smell of piss that is attractive to them? Please help me understand.
Hmmm, used the word "piss" twice already in this post... oops, I guess that's number three.
People in New Jersey honestly don't understand how a parking lot works. Trust me, it sounds stupid, but it's absolutely true.
Where is Zach Galifianakis and why is he not doing 20 movies a year? This guy is absolutely hilarious. If I ever write a movie, I want Zach Galifianakis to star in it.
What happened to the Pats last night? They lost to the Dolphins? Did that really happen? The more I think about it, the more I convince myself that this is a genius move by Belichick. They're just trying to lower everyone's expectations right before the playoffs. That loss may have been their smartest move all year. Now everybody thinks "Hey, if the Dolphins can beat the Patriots, then we can too!" Teams will let their guards down and become overconfident. Look out Super Bowl, here we come.
More pain... lots and lots of pain.