Monday, December 06, 2004

Will Bonds get what he deserves?

Last week when I heard about Giambi's steriod testimony, I said to my buddy Dyl, "I can't wait for them to prove Bonds is using steroids. Every body knows he uses them, every body hates him, nobody wants him to break Aaron's record. Nothing would be sweeter than to put an asterisk next to all his records." The very next day Bonds admits to using steriods.

Should we believe that he didn't know what substances he was using? Of course not, he knew exactly what they were. He's just trying to stay away from Pete-Rose-Humiliation-Status. I hope he gets kicked out of the league. At least Giambi was man enough to come out and admit he used them (not like we didn't know already), but it just makes me hate Bonds even more when he denies knowing anything about it.

That's all I've got to say about this. Turn on ESPN at any point during the next few weeks and you'll hear 50 people arguing and analyzing the situation.


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