Thursday, October 27, 2005

Top 5 TV characters

I was watching tv the other night and realized that there are only a handful of characters that I really enjoy watching on tv. Which got me thinking, who are my favorites? So I've put together my top five for your reading enjoyment.

5. Tony Soprano "The Sopranos": I know the Sopranos haven't been on all year, but at least they have been showing reruns. He's definitely the coolest character on TV. I love watching this guy in action and I can't wait for the new season to start. They actually filmed some scenes in Boonton which is just a few miles from my apartment.

4. Johnny Drama "Entourage": This guy always cracks me up... except the whole calf implant thing was kind of dumb. He would have been higher if it wasn't for that stupid segment.

3. Kate "Lost": Isn't Evangeline Lily so incredibly hot? Plus, isn't it amazing that this is her first speaking role as an actor? Talk about your big break.

On a more important topic: Who's going to die this week in Lost? Everyone is predicting Charlie or Michael so it probably won't be one of them. If the show has any balls, they will kill off a main character (Lock?). However, I'm taking the safe route and picking Michael... I am now officially a dork.

2. Turk & JD "Scrubs": There's just something about Zach Braff that makes me laugh, I haven't figured this out yet.

Sidenote: When omitting the first 3 numbers, my phone number spells I-dam-hot. I know it's the wrong "damn" and makes me sound like a first grader, but it's still cool. I should put it on my business cards.

1. Denny Crane & Alan Shore "Boston Legal": I can't get enough of these guys. William Shatner is hilarious and it's too bad that his talents were wasted on Star Trek for all those years. Also, James Spader is the perfect actor for this role. It's just fun watching them interacting with each other. Boston Legal is one of the most underrated shows on TV (IMO).

Random gambling complaint: Six weeks ago the Detroit Lions lost to the Chicago Bears 38-6. That's a 32 point difference! 32 points! So somebody please tell me why the Lions are 3.5 point favorites for this weeks game against the Bears. Please, I don't understand. This was only 6 weeks ago and the Lions have since lost all of their starting receivers and 2 of their top defensive men to injuries. I hate betting against the Lions, but there is no way in hell they should be favorites for this game.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Two weeks after I posted concerns about this year's crazy weather, not only do we have the strongest hurricane ever recorded (Wilma), but we also have the possibility of a super storm in the northeast. What the hell is going on? What the hell is a super storm? They are actually predicting snow... it's the middle of October! We've never had this many named storms in a single year before and hurricane season isn't over yet. Can you say apocalypse? Just kidding. I'm not so worried about the weather, more so for the traffic. People in Jersey can't drive in the rain let alone snow and 50 mph winds.

Apparently Wilma is combining with tropical depression Alpha and a low pressure system coming across the US. Anyone ever see the movie "The Perfect Storm"??? Where's George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg when you need them.

Get your snowshoes on because this is going to be one hell of a winter.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I want to live where soul meets body

I went to see Death Cab for Cutie at the Hammerstein Ballroom last Wednesday. They really put on a great show. They played songs from pretty much all their albums and they hit all my favorites: Title and Registration, I'll Follow You Into the Dark, The New Year, Soul Meets Body, Expo 86', etc... (no Tiny Vessals though).

Anyway, the highlight of the night was when Ben Gibbard put down his guitar and played a drum solo on "We Looked Like Giants". The guy is amazing. Not only does he handle singing, guitar soloing, and piano... but he's also an awesome drummer. So cool. I don't own all of their albums, but I probably will soon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I thought spam was a meat product

I think it's hilarious that I'm getting spam comments on my posts. I mean, nobody reads the crap that I write so it's not doing anything except annoy the hell out of me. So I've been forced to use the "word verification" for any comments on this site. Sorry if that inconveniences anybody, but spam sucks and I don't want to deal with it anymore.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Weatherman Ryan

Ok, I'm officially going to say this on the record. We are going to get more snow this year than I have ever seen in my lifetime. That is my official prediction.

I mean, look at all the natural disasters in the last year:

-The Tsunami caused by a 9.15 earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which is one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, possibly killed 275,000 people.
-Hurricane Katrina, which killed 1242 people and caused $200 billion in damages, not to mention destroying many peoples homes and lives.
-The recent earthquake in Pakistan, which has left 2.5 million people homeless and the death told is estimated to be between 25,000 and 40,000...

...and now it's been raining in New Jersey for two weeks straight. Ok, that's not as bad as the others I mentioned, but something is fishy. Blame global warming if you want, but something weird is going on. I don't remember the last time I saw this much rain. I can just feel 20 feet of snow is about to be dropped on us at any point.

Ok, I must admit that I'm a snowboarder so I'm actually looking forward to all the snow and days off from work. I just wanted to get my prediction out there. Hopefully the natural disasters can take a break for a while.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Short post of randomness

I meant to post this a while ago, but I'm lazy and I forgot. Anyway, I wanted to retrack the negative statements I made about David Wells. I was giving him a hard time about giving up a bunch of runs to the Tigers. Turns out that he actually had the flu. Just the fact that he still got out there and pitched makes me have a lot more respect for him. So my apologies Wells.

So I just spent the last 4 days in LA. I got hastled not once, but twice by Scientologists while walking down the "Walk of Fame". I should have told them to hold on while I take my Zoloft. I think they would have left me alone after that.

What does it mean when I get upset that my TiVO didn't record the OC while I was in LA? Wait, don't answer that... I don't want to know.

Free Jeff Tweedy concerts coming up soon! Who's coming with me? It's free!

Tickets for the TPAC Shows are free of charge as part of the Wall Street Rising Concert Series. Tickets can be picked up beginning on Monday, October 17 at 11 a.m. at the Downtown Information Center located at 25 Broad Street (corner of Exchange Place)

Football rants

Get ready, here comes my obligatory NFL gambling post...

After I made my first 5 bets for this week, I looked back at the teams I had just put money on...

...Detroit, Miami, Green Bay, Tampa Bay, Chicago...

A year ago, I would have punched myself in the face before making those bets.

So I'm looking at the New England/Atlanta game this week and everything tells me to bet on Atlanta. The Pats have a ton of injuries. They looked terrible last week. They are terrible against the run and Atlanta has the number 1 run offense in the NFL... So why did I just bet on the Pats? Because you can't bet against the Patriots. You just can't.

How are the Redskins undefeated? Isn't Mark Brunell 80 years old?... ok, he's only 35, but doesn't it seem like he should be in a nursing home by now?

It is absolutely amazing how easy the Colts' schedule is compared to the Patriots' schedule. I mean, come on. Who is in charge of this? A two-year old could have made up a more fair schedule.

Am I bitter because my picks this year have been about 100 times worse than last yes? Yes, yes I am.