Thursday, March 31, 2005

Important news

I think this may be the longest I've gone without posting since I started this blog. My apologies, but truth be told I've actually been really busy. Yes, it's true. You're tax dollars are getting put to work.

Anyway, I had lots of stuff I wanted to write about, but then I forgot most of it. So lets concentrate on the most important...

Opening day is 3 days away!

Ok, got that out of the way. Some other good news: The Sox finally traded Kim! They brought in Charles Johnson and a minor league pitcher. I've been a CJ fan for a while. I actually got to see him in action, hitting homeruns when he played for the AA Sea Dogs. It's too bad he's going to be the second back-up catcher and will probably never play.

More Baseball: I'm going to see the Yanks/Orioles matchup on April 9th. Look for me in the left field bleachers, I should be in the second row. I'm predicting I'll come home with at least one Sosa homerun ball. I excited for baseball to begin???

TV News: Anyone else excited that NBC started showing reruns of Scrubs before the new ones every week? I just started watching this season so it's like I get to see two brand new episodes in a row (don't say it, I already know I have no life). Also, watch the Contender on NBC. It's like watching a mini-rocky-movie every week. Much better than I expected.

Other news: From the period of April 5th to May 7th (33 days), I will be going to Santa Barbara (4 days), Jamaica (7 days), and San Diego (6 days). Not a bad month, especially since the government is picking up the tab for 2 of the trips.

That's all I've got for now. Hopefully I be able to post a little more often than once every 3 weeks.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Madness!

It's my new favorite holiday. The first day of the NCAA tournament and St. Patrick's Day combined to make one super hybrid holiday. Throw in the fact that I don't have to work tomorrow and it's like Christmas all over again.

Ok, maybe I won't be getting any presents, but I could be getting something even better... the chance to win lots of money. To celebrate this awesome holiday, I put down a bunch of parlays and even took some of Artie Lang's advice on picks (Check out Free money! on Howard Stern's website).

I'll post my picks on Ryno's Picks sometime before the games begin. Although I wouldn't suggest listening to me since my history of picking games during this tournament is not very consistant. Anyway, enjoy the new St. Patrick's Madness Day and fill out a bracket!

Monday, March 14, 2005

The WC

New Jersians love White Castle.

A new one has just been built about 5 minutes from my house and I have yet to drive by without seeing a line coming out of the parking lot. The place is always packed... always. I just don't understand. Within walking distance from the WC is a McDonalds, a superior KFC, a far superior Quizno's, and it's only a 2 minute drive to Wendy's, BK and Panera... but these places are empty. What's the deal with WC?

Maybe the mini-pseudo-burgers make people feel like giants when they eat them (and I say "pseudo" burgers because I have a hard time believing that those things are made out of 100% cow). I've only been to White Castle once, so maybe I have yet to grasp the WC phenomenom. I must admit that the "food" did taste pretty good. However, eating 6 burger-like substances and spending the rest of the night in the bathroom is not my idea of an ideal dinner experience.

Sorry, that might have been a little too graphic, but it needed to be said.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Even Stev/phen

Does anybody remember this bit on the Daily show? I think I may have seen it twice, but I still remember it as being one of the most hilarious bits I've ever seen. It featured the two funniest correspondent to work for the Daily Show, Steve Carell (known for his amazing performance as Brick Tamland from the movie Anchorman) and Stephen Colbert who is still on the Daily Show.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I recently discovered a couple of clips from on the Daily Show Videos: Stephen Colbert website.

You may have to do a little searching through the clips, but in there you can find:
the Islam vs Christainity debate
Iraqi war debate(with Ed Helms instead of S. Carell)
and the Middle East crisis debate

Are they absolutely hilarious? No. Yes. No. YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I believe

I believe last year's ALCS was the greatest playoff series in the
history of all sports.

I believe Lindsay on American Idol should be voted to stay every week
no matter how bad she is because she is that hot.

I believe NASCAR is not a sport.

I believe Bush doesn't have a clue.

I believe Bonds, Sheffield, and Giambi knew they were using steriods.

I believe baseball players who use steroids should be banned from
baseball... because it's cheating!

I believe Zach Galifianakis needs to make more movies.

I believe Vin Diesel needs to make less movies.

I believe Spongebob is not gay.

I believe Jersey drivers are genetically predisposed to be the worst drivers in the world.

I believe Jersey makes good bagels and good pizza (I had to say something nice about NJ).

I believe that without the proper will-power, PS2 will suck the life out of you (as it is currenly doing to me).

I believe "Fantasy Baseball Manager" should be in my job description.

I believe Instant Messenger sounds should be turned off at all times.

I believe Shaq truly hates Kobe.

I believe bathroom etiquette should be a mandatory class for all government employees.

I believe the Red Sox can do it again.

to be continued...

Thursday, March 03, 2005


When was the last time you heard the song "Regulators" by Warren G? I'll give you some time to think it over...



A friend of mine made an amazing discovery while listening to this song a couple of weeks ago. If you can, try to listen to this song again. Listen closely to the intro dialog. While you are listening, think the name George W. Bush. Are you laughing yet? Yeah, I thought it was awesome too. Just wanted to share that with the world. I had no idea that Dubya was a gansta.