Important news
I think this may be the longest I've gone without posting since I started this blog. My apologies, but truth be told I've actually been really busy. Yes, it's true. You're tax dollars are getting put to work.
Anyway, I had lots of stuff I wanted to write about, but then I forgot most of it. So lets concentrate on the most important...
Opening day is 3 days away!
Ok, got that out of the way. Some other good news: The Sox finally traded Kim! They brought in Charles Johnson and a minor league pitcher. I've been a CJ fan for a while. I actually got to see him in action, hitting homeruns when he played for the AA Sea Dogs. It's too bad he's going to be the second back-up catcher and will probably never play.
More Baseball: I'm going to see the Yanks/Orioles matchup on April 9th. Look for me in the left field bleachers, I should be in the second row. I'm predicting I'll come home with at least one Sosa homerun ball. I excited for baseball to begin???
TV News: Anyone else excited that NBC started showing reruns of Scrubs before the new ones every week? I just started watching this season so it's like I get to see two brand new episodes in a row (don't say it, I already know I have no life). Also, watch the Contender on NBC. It's like watching a mini-rocky-movie every week. Much better than I expected.
Other news: From the period of April 5th to May 7th (33 days), I will be going to Santa Barbara (4 days), Jamaica (7 days), and San Diego (6 days). Not a bad month, especially since the government is picking up the tab for 2 of the trips.
That's all I've got for now. Hopefully I be able to post a little more often than once every 3 weeks.