Even Stev/phen
Does anybody remember this bit on the Daily show? I think I may have seen it twice, but I still remember it as being one of the most hilarious bits I've ever seen. It featured the two funniest correspondent to work for the Daily Show, Steve Carell (known for his amazing performance as Brick Tamland from the movie Anchorman) and Stephen Colbert who is still on the Daily Show.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I recently discovered a couple of clips from on the Daily Show Videos: Stephen Colbert website.
You may have to do a little searching through the clips, but in there you can find:
the Islam vs Christainity debate
Iraqi war debate(with Ed Helms instead of S. Carell)
and the Middle East crisis debate
Are they absolutely hilarious? No. Yes. No. YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!
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