Friday, February 18, 2005

TV time

I just realized last night that since I began working, my time spent watching TV has skyrocketed. I started thinking about this and figured it's all because my brain needs more time to shut down. After working 9 hours throughout the day (yes, I work 9 hour days), I need to be able to stop my brain from retaining any more useful information. Zoning out in front of the TV for a couple of hours provides me with exactly what I need.

A great example of this is "The O.C." This is a show that I never would have imagined myself watching. However, it has an uncanny knack for allowing it's viewers to stop thinking completely. The show consists of lots of beautiful people (mostly in high school), fighting and making out with each other... and that's it. That's all you need to know to enjoy the show. I could probably write a lot more, but if I write anything else about "The O.C." I may need to check to make sure I'm not turning into a woman.

Let's change shows to "Lost". Was anybody else confused by last week's episode? Twice in the same episode they mentioned the phrase "and that's why the Red Sox will never win a championship."

...ah hem, cough, weeze, cough cough, a hem....deep breath.... ok.

Was this show really filmed that long ago? Didn't they have plenty of time to come up with a new line and re-shoot? Even if the Sox didn't win last year, the line still wouldn't have worked in the show. It just seemed forced and out of place. It's like the guy who wrote the show was a Yankee fan who just wanted to get in a cheap shot at Sox fans.

Ok, I'm probably thinking about this too much. I should probably get back to work. Although it is Friday and there is nobody here in my office... and I just spent an hour drafting an email to my boss requesting 2 weeks off within the next 2 months. I think I'll go check out what's new on


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