Monday, August 01, 2005

Baseball news

I'm happy to see that Manny is remaining on the Sox... at least until the end of the year. I don't care that the Sox are stuck with his monsterous contract, Manny is such a lovable character I hope he stays for the full 8 years. He's one of those players you just love to watch every time he gets up to the plate.

So in other hardball news... Rafael Palmeiro is the latest steriod user. I love how these guys claim that they didn't know they were using them. Are they really that dumb? Do they think we are that dumb? Come on now.

So I'm wondering, is Palmeiro guilty of perjury? I mean, he said under oath that he had never used steriods before? Shouldn't he be getting jail time for this? Maybe he'll claim he just started this year... I doubt he would pass a lie detector test on that one.

Ok, I shouldn't be judging these people, but steriod use is tainting my favorite sport. These guys should be paying extra attention to the substances they are using. Maybe Palmeiro didn't know what he was using... but he should have. No Hall of Fame for you!!!


At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manny's such a nut, it wouldn't be the same if he went to another team. Such is the game, though.

I'm trying to figure out how they can use steroids "without knowing it".

Has your band agreed on a name yet?


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