Monday, June 13, 2005

Thank you VH1

I'm glad VH1 decided to bring back the show "Storytellers". First guest: Coldplay. I just watched it on my TiVo (which cut off the ending so make sure you set to record for a couple extra minutes) and it was awesome. Each of the band members (there are 4) took turns trying to tell a story, and each one failed miserably.

This didn't matter though. The show still rocked. They even played some stuff off their new album, "X&Y". Speaking of their new album (which Rolling Stone only gave 3 stars), just like their other 2, it needs time to mature. The first time you hear it, it seems like nothing great. Then you hear it again and realize some of the songs are really good. Pay attention to "Fix You" because it's one of their best. I'm sure after listening to it a few more times, it will be playing non-stop in my cubical.

Coldplay albums listed most best to least best (because they are all good).
1. Rush of Blood to the Head (one of my all time favorites)
2. Parachutes (a great album, turned me on to Coldplay)
3. X&Y (this could easily move up in a few days)
4. Live 2003 (I just never warmed up to live albums)


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