Monday, June 13, 2005

TV time!

I've been watching a lot of Smallville reruns lately (since the rest of the crap on TV right now sucks major ass...) ahem, excuse me... sorry about that. Anyway, I have one major complaint about the show...

...why doesn't Clark Kent wear glasses? This is Superman's only disguise. Is there anyway the people of Smallville would not recognise him? Seriously, he grows up not wearing glasses, and his best friend Lex Luthor doesn't recognise him when he's wearing his blue and red jumpsuit? Come on now.

That being said, I'm still addicted to the show. The show may have the worst actor in televistion (I won't say who, but it's one of Clark's friends... and it's not a girl), but the characters Lex and Clark are played perfectly. The premises may be a bit of a stretch, but it still pulls them off. Just an overall entertaining program... however, I was majorly confused by the final episode. Born again? What was that all about?

By the way, this season of Family Guy is absolutely hilarious. I don't know why they ever thought taking that show off the air was a good idea. Well, ok I do know why, but they shouldn't have done it anyway. Ratings or no ratings, it's the best show on TV.


At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that you mention it.... why doesn't Clark wear glasses throughout the series? LOL

Can't believe the Sox lost, won last night 17-1 and then lost again tonight!?! What happened?? LOL

And Family Guy..... I will say, I bought the DVDs. I have, however, stopped short of the "special" 4-episode DVD and soundtrack. A little overboard, perhaps if I bought those?

So, hi.... I'm RA, and I found your blog by clicking Red Sox in my profile's interests.... after about 2 1/2 pages worth of profiles, anyway. LOL.


At 11:19 AM, Blogger ryanflc said...

Hey, thanks for the comments.

Yeah, you can't always explain the Red Sox. As much as I want them to win, they could finish last place and I would still be happy that they won the world series last year.

Well, thanks for stopping by!


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