Friday, November 12, 2004

Evil Empire #2

I bought the Garden State Soundtrack last week. Truly one of the best albums I've heard recently. Lot's of great songs from bands I had never heard of before. Since I've heard a lot of great music lately, here are my top 5 favorite new songs that you should check out:

1. Run - Snow Patrol
2. Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
3(tie). Caring is Creepy - The Shins
New Slang - The Shins
4. Look What You've Done - Jet
5. Blue Eyes - Cary Brothers

While I'm on the subject of music, I need to mention how Walmart is single handedly destroying the music market. There's a great article in Rolling Stone (October issue) about how they are causing independant stores to close.

Why does this concern me? Because the CD selection at Walmart sucks! I wanted to buy an Iron and Wine CD last week, but Walmart is the only place to buy music within a 30 minute radius of my house, and if the CD is not on the top 40, then forget it. I had to buy it online so now I'll be waiting for another week until I can get it.

Just look at these numbers:
Tower Records and Sam Goody - lost 330 million in record sales since 1996
Local retailers - lost 120 million in record sales since 1996
Walmart, Target, & Bestbuy - gained 1.3 BILLION in record sales since 1996

Stop shopping at Walmart, please!

(by the way, if you don't know who Evil Empire #1 is, then you're definitely not a Redsox fan)


At 7:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Agreed... That album owns!

At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mm . . Run has worn out it's welcome with me, really, other than whenever I see Snow Patrol perform it live.

I'm Irish, so I've been hearing it pretty much on repeat every since the album was released over a year ago. Their earlier albums are a refreshing change.



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