Tuesday, August 10, 2004

True Americans will vote Kerry

In my last post about politics (Politics, smolitics), I may sound a little stupid. I just couldn't understand why people would vote Bush. He seemed like such an irrational choice. However, since then I have learned a little more information about our current president and why people like him so much. Here is what I learned:

Apparently Bush is a charismatic figure. He's a very likable person, has a good sense of humor and can make people feel comfortable. He apparently speaks to God so he has a strong appeal towards religious people. He's against gay marriage so all the Homophobics like him. The unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 10 years, so people who hate jobs like him too. So he's got a lot of support behind him and now I know where it comes from. It comes from the crazy half of America.

But for everyone who wants to vote for Bush, I have three words for you:

Stem Cell Research

This could save people's lives. This could cures diseases. This would make the world a better place. It represents the future of medical science. But Bush has put limits on it. WHY?? I don't understand? Why say no to saving lives? Why deny people the right to live?

If you don't want to save lives and cure diseases, then vote for Bush in November. If you are Pro-America, then vote Kerry.


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