Saturday, July 31, 2004

Goodbye Nomah, we'll miss you!

So I just found out that Nomar has gone to the Cubs. How do I feel about this? I think it sucks! Sure he was pissed about almost getting traded earlier this year. Sure he's been playing this season with a chip on his shoulder... but do you know what would have gotten rid of that chip? A nice big fat contract extenstion.

So now we've got Cabrera and Mientkiewicz. Yes, our defense will improve, but our offense will suffer. Mark my words, Nomar will start putting up some MVP numbers for Chicago because now he wants to teach Epstein a lesson. He's going to carry the Cubs to Wild Card spot and cruize though the playoffs en route to the World Series.

Am I biased because I personally met Nomar the year before he started for the Sox? Yes, of course I am. He was my hitting instructor at Mo Vaughn's hitting camp. He gave me some pointers on my swing. Nomar is my boy and always will be. Guess who my new second favorite team is now. I'll give you one guess.

Go Cubbies!