Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Politics, Smolitics

I don’t understand politics. I mean, look at our 2 presidential candidates. One is clearly more qualified for the job (Kerry for those of you slow ones out there). Yes, I said CLEARLY because there is no argument. I mean, Bush seems like a fun sort of guy, but how do we have a guy who got mediocre grades in school and spent half his life boozing and partying, running the country??? This absolutely blows my mind. I need somebody to explain to me why this happens. Is it because Kerry is a Democrat that people don’t want to vote for him? I would like to think that if we had a Democrat President as bad as Bush has been, that I would vote against him (Yes, I'm a Democrat). We really should pick the best man for the job, forget about all the left wing right wing crap.

I actually had somebody say to me (I’ll leave out names, but you know who you are) that if he was going to vote for Kerry, then he wouldn’t any more because he found out Kerry was a Red Sox fan. Is that the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard? Picking the leader of our country based on which baseball team he roots for? I’m hoping this friend of mine was joking, but I really think there was some truth to it.

Oh, and one thing that really scares me about Bush is that he says that he’s on a mission from God. This is just plain scary. Saying you are on a mission from God means that you have an excuse to do anything you want. This is what crazy people say after they gun down about 20 people at the Post Office. If you’ve read “Under the Banner of Heaven” by Jon Krakauer, then you know missions from God can often result in irrational behavior.

Maybe I’m the one who’s stupid since I can’t figure this stuff out. Maybe I’m wrong about Bush. But I want someone to show me some reason, because I see none. The only people I can understand voting for Bush are gun-loving Texans who never finished high school. If that describes you, then I expect you to vote Bush, everyone else has no excuse.


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