Thursday, August 26, 2004

Big Fish

No, I'm not talking about the movie, although it was one of my favorite movies last year.

Anyway, I just realized that I haven't written a post about NJ fishing yet. I then realized that I haven't been fishing in months. This does not make me happy.

For those of you (now up to 3 possible readers) who care, I like to fly-fish. Since there is close to zero information about fly-fishing in NJ, maybe I'll start posting some fishing reports. Of course this is going to be tough since I never get my ass out into the rivers. If you like to fish and live in NJ, here are a few rivers you should try out.

The Pequest River
: A nice size river that has a one of the only two Northern NJ fish hatcheries on it. At times this river is over-fished, especially near the hatchery. The trout become skittish and can be tough to catch. I believe this is a fly-fish only river, which is nice. I've taken a couple of mid-sized rainbows out of here (ok, maybe it was just one).

The Musky (Musconetcong River): Slightly bigger than the Pequest, this is supposed to be a great trout stream. So far, in 2 or 3 tries I have yet to catch a fish.

Ok, to be honest, I've only lived in NJ for a year, and really haven't put too much time into fishing. Damned full time job! That, combined with the fact that I'm terrible at fishing does not make for many good fishing reports. Anyway, I'll post more info when I get some more experience in. When ice-fishing season starts up, then maybe I'll be able to post something useful. I have much better luck on the ice, just check out the picture in my profile of my huge pickerel I got out of Lake Hopatcong. I also have some cool fishing pictures on my Homepage (link on the right), so check it out!

Gambling update:

Online Poker
Hours: 3
Winnings $28.50

I withdrew the original $50 that I started with so I'm now officially playing with just my winnings. I rule!


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