It's a sad day for baseball...
... actually it's a sad day for all of sports. One of the most amazing records in sports history has been broken by a cheater. How this was allowed to happen, I have no idea. Of course anybody who follows sports knows what I'm talking about. Ok, Bonds was never convicted of anything so how can we prove that he was a cheater? Well, first of all.... he admitted he used steriods. That's kind of a big piece of evidence.
Yeah, he said he didn't know he was using steriods, basically blaming his weight training coach of juicing him without his consent... which is soooo bullshit. The two guys were friends. I mean, his trainer is currently sitting in jail because he refused to testify against Bonds. Does that sound like someone who would try to destroy Bonds' career by slipping him illegal drugs? Nope. Sounds like a friend. There is absolutely no way in hell Bonds didn't know he was using steriods.
Yup, I read "Game of Shadows" so maybe I'm a little biased. I don't know how much information in that book was factual. I do know that it contained Grand Jury testimony and that Bonds 100% admitted to using steriods. The story itself was very convincing. Bonds being pissed that McGwire (a white man... who was probably using steriods too) got all the attention for breaking the single season home run record, while Bonds who was a far superior baseball player hardly got noticed. After that year, you can see Bond's stats started climbing ridiculously high. Hmmmm, I wonder why that was happening?
Well, I like to keep my posts short, but I could go on and on about this. Everyone already knows the story anyway and I've got nothing new to say. I'm just depressed that a liar and cheater is now the new home run champion. I found some comfort in the fact that A-Rod will probably pass Bonds fairly easily... then I remembered that A-Rod is also a liar and a cheater. Now I'm just depressed.