What's going on?
aaaaannnnnddddd...... I'm back!
It feels good to be posting again. So much to talk about. After the series finale of the Sopranos, I feel like my head is going to explode so let's start there.
As with everybody, I was immediately pissed when the final Sopranos episode was over. I thought my cable box had screwed up at the worst possible time in my entire Sopranos watching career. As it turns out, the screen went black on purpose. Interesting. Once I realized that, I was even more pissed because I had just witnessed the worst series finale ever.
My original take on the ending: The blank screen represents the fact that Tony got whacked. He didn't see it coming and all of a sudden everything just goes dark (just like him and Bobby had discussed in previous episodes). Since Tony didn't see it coming, none of use got to see it coming. The guy in the bathroom possibly did it, but I think somebody came in through the door who he wasn't expecting. Just the look on his face makes me think something happened. I'll be interested to see if any alternate endings show up on the DVDs.
I don't buy the fact that we (the audience) got whacked because that's just retarded. There's no way the creator of the best TV series ever would do something as stupid as that.
So after reading about it, talking about it, watching it again, reading about it some more, and talking about it some more... I still hated the finale. Yeah, I think I understand what David Chase was trying to do, but come on. It was the most boring series finale I've ever seen. I understand that living the life of a crime boss will make you paranoid and you'll constantly be looking over your shoulder and that life will constantly suck. That final scene showed us that. I felt paranoid too while watching that scene, which I believe was Chase's intent. But when nothing happened, I was pissed.
I'm not looking for any type of closure, I just wanted something to happen... and nothing did. The whole Pauly and the cat thing was pretty funny, and Phil's head scene was pretty awesome, but the show on the whole was a let down.
I didn't want Tony to go to jail and I definitely didn't want him to die. I actually was hoping he would somehow survive the final episode. I just wanted an exciting/cool finale, and I didn't get it.
Ok, that's enough about the Sopranos. I need time to heal. Maybe in a few months I'll go back and re-watch the last season and have a greater appreciation for it. For now, I'm leaving it behind me.
Now the Clemens thing. I can't explain how happy I am that he signed with the Yankees. First of all, he screwed over New York when he "retired" then signed with Houston so he would play with his pal Pettite. Then they welcome him back like nothing happened? What? What is wrong with New York? Aren't they pissed at him? How could they want him back? He abandoned them. He weaseled out of his contract so he could play somewhere else. I don't understand it. I have multiple friends who are Yankee fans and none of them have a problem with him coming back. I guess it's another reason why I hate the Yankees. They don't care who plays for them as long as they win.... which of course isn't happening so far in 2007 (giggling to myself).
Anyway, I really wanted to write about this just because it's so obvious what's going to happen. He signs for a ridiculous amount of money only to come back for a few games and get injured (he already had one minor injury this year). He's too old to be a power pitcher. There's no way he can come back and dominate for half a season. No way. At most he'll come out of the gate with some great performances, then settle into the mediocre pitcher that a 44 year old pitcher is expected to be. I'll be so happy when the Yankees realized they paid for Clemens to sit on the DL all year. It will be awesome and I will laugh.... and laugh and laugh.
Needs to be mentioned. My softball team is currently 4 - 0. Our previous records were 2 - 9 and 5 - 8. Looks like this year we've made the leap.
Been doing a lot of fly fishing lately with a lot of success. I've recently learned that if you use the wrong fly, you'll catch nothing. If you use the right fly, you won't be able to stop catching them.
Ok, this post is already too long so I'll stop. I want to get back into the habit of posting more often, but I'm not sure I see that happening. My blogging days may be slowing down.