Top 5 scary moments (parts 3 through 5)
Ok, just to get this finished up, I'm going to condense the top 3 into one post.
3. Driving in CA
When I drive, it's fine... when my coworker drives, I seriously feel like I'm going to die. I counted about 5 near death experiences while he drove around California for about a week. We were swerving across lanes and cutting people off while he was talking on his cell phone and reading his Blackberry. He's from Rhode Island, which I think should be added to my list of states that produce the worst drivers.
2. Car accident
It's scary to lose control of your car when you are going 70 mph on the highway. I don't even know how it happened. I must have hit something and my tire blew out. Luckily there were no cars around me and the spinning of my car slowed me down enough that it didn't hurt when I slammed into the snowbank. Thank God I didn't flip the car over, now that would have been scary.
1. Fly Fishing
I wonder if it is a coincidence that 3 of my 5 scary moments include water in Maine. Anyway, during a fishing trip to North Western Maine, my buddy Dylan and I were searching for prime fishing spots. Somehow we ended up climbing down this very steep hill and ended up staring at whitewater that would kill you if you fell in it. We then realized that we could not get back the way we came. The only way to get out was to boulder from rock to rock (Bouldering is rock climbing sideways).
Normally this wouldn't be too scary. I used to rock climb in college so I knew what I was doing. However, I had never rock climbed in waders before (waders are ridiculously large boots). Also, we didn't know how sturdy the rocks were. And most importantly, if we slipped and fell, we would have died. By far, this was the scariest moment in my life.
Honestly, it was easy rock climbing, but knowing that one mistake meant death was enough for me to never do that again.
Now that I think about it, I think my #3 should really be switched with my #5. Oh well, nobody's perfect. Stay tuned for some awesome rafting pictures that I'll be posting on here soon.
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