Thursday, September 16, 2004

I hate Barry Bonds

I'm watching the Sox last night on ESPN2 and they decided to switch over to Barry Bonds everytime he had an At Bat. This seemed ridiculous to me. I mean, who tunes in to a Red Sox game to find out if Barry hit his 700th HR or not. Definitely not me. There were even some critical moments during the Sox game that they just cut out and went to watch Bonds. It was very frustrating.

However, it was great to see Bonds get thrown out at first base from right field. Why was this not the topic of conversation? It was ten times more entertaining than watching a home run. There really aren't too many things more embarassing in baseball than getting gunned down by an outfielder to rob you of a single. Especially since Bonds is not a slow runner. This means that he just decided not to hustle to first, which a sin among baseball players. If I was his coach, I would have benched him the rest of the game. It makes me mad that none of the announcers mention this stuff.

Does it make me a bad person if I'm rooting for Bonds to have a career ending injury? Yes, it probably does. A loss of a limb perhaps would be sufficient. I could care less if he passes Ruth in homeruns, but he doesn't deserve to pass Aaron. Bonds is either the greatest baseball player ever, or he's a great player who takes steriods so that he can break all these records. I go with the latter.

I also need to meantion that the Sox sold out every home game this year. Every one! They are only the third team ever to do this (nope, the Yankees are not one of those teams). Even though Fenway only holds 32,000 people, according to Steve Phillips (ESPN2 announcer), no other team this year has sold at least 32,000 tickets to every home game. So what I'm saying is that Boston fans are more loyal than any other fans.


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