Saturday, October 23, 2004

Tuesday before game 6

I watched the first 3 games at my house in NJ. The Sox couldn't get anything going. On Sunday, I flew out to Minnesota and all of a sudden the Sox refuse to go down. So apparently the Sox need me in Minnesota for the rest of the series. I'm not one to disappoint so I'll be here till Friday. Ok, I don't really have a choice, but it's nice to believe I do.

One choice I have made, is that I've chosen to wear the same shirt that I wore on Sunday, all week. It has now become my lucky Red Sox shirt. Today is day 3 and it's already starting to get a little dirty and smelly, and no one in my class sits next to me anymore, but you can't mess with a streak.

There are 2 types of Sox fans. Those who accept their fate and those who don't. I fall into the "don't" catagory. Maybe I haven't been alive long enough to experience all the heart break of some of the older fans. Maybe I'm naive. Maybe I'm in denial, but I still believe in the Sox. I believe they can pull this off. My parents would call me foolish. They already know the Sox won't win. They'll go to the 7th game then blow it like they always do.

They are ready for disappointment, but not me. I think it can happen. I truly believe this is the year. Let's hope Schillings ankle doesn't explode tonight.


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