Friday, October 01, 2004

I'm back

Well, I'm finally back in New Jersey. There are a bunch of things I want to say, but I'm not going to put them all in one long boring post. I'm planning on spreading my california experience over the next week or so. This is my feable attempt at making my blog slightly less boring.

So to start off, I'm going to talk about the very end of my trip: the plane ride home. It was horrible. Ok, horrible might be an exaggeration, but it was not fun. Here is why:

The little old lady to my left would not stop talking to me. It didn't matter if I had my headphones on watching a movie, or listening to a CD, or trying to read my book. The lady would not shut up. I learned about how she hate Mexicans. Not because she's prejudiced, but because she's "experienced it" first hand. Yeah, I don't know what that means either. She did not stop complaining about Mexicans the whole trip. All of her stories would end with another reason why she hates Mexicans. This lady was scaring me.

The guy to my right wasn't as bad, but was still annoying. He had his legs spread out so he was taking up the majority of my space. Also, he was laughing so hard during the showing of "Dodgeball" that he was shaking our whole seat. Come on man, Dodgeball was funny, but not that funny.

And when these two people talked to each other, all they talked about was how they hated John Kerry and how Bush was a saint. It was driving me nuts. The guy was reading a book by The Swift Boat Veterans. I asked him, wasn't that the group that lied about Kerry on national television... he just ignored me.

I TiVo'd the debate and watched it when I got home. Kerry impressed me. I wasn't sure how well he would do, but I think he did a very good job. Some of my doubts about him (yes I had some) seemed to disappear. On the other hand, I thought Bush was unimpressive.

Ok, I'm probably going to see "Shawn of the Dead" tonight so maybe I'll write about that later. Is it just me, or does this movie look hilarious?


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