Saturday, October 23, 2004

During game 6

I can't believe A-Sob is arguing this call. He made such a dirty play and still he has the audacity to argue the reversal.

Also, way to go New Yorkers for being the worst fans ever. Twice they've thrown stuff out on the field and caused the game to stop. Just because the call didn't go their way, which it shouldn't have originally. Credit goes to the umps for getting the calls right, shame goes to the NY fans for being assholes.

And the most credit goes to Schilling who just pitched incredibly. Was that really blood on his sock? How was this guy playing? And how did he pitch so well? Just an amazing performance.

I hope they pull this game off and go to game 7. If they win, it will be the most satisfying win in Sox history. Whose your daddy now New Yorkers? I think you've got 2 named Ortiz and Schilling.


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