Monday, July 26, 2004

I'm no Genious

So recently I switched operating systems from Windows XP to Linux Red Hat Fedora. I was getting fed up with Windows because I was constant freezing my computer and getting shut down. I figured that since I majored in computer engineering, I should be able to handle Linux. However, I found out that you need an IQ of 180 to be able to run this program successfully. Oh you want to listen to music on Linux? Well, set aside 6 hours of your time to read tutorials and FAQ's, and expect 53 unsuccessful attempts to download and install a media player. Want DVD player software? Well, you only need this one file and 12 years of hardcore programming experience to run it.

Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But I've caved and cowardly gone running back to XP. Hopefully I'll give it another shot in the future when Linux is a little more user friendly, because Microsoft is evil. I guess I feel a little better since I got my copy of XP and Office 03 for $7.50 from Bangkok. Yes, that's 7 dollars and 50 cents. Got to love bootlegging.

(and yes, I know I spelt Genius wrong in my title. I hope the joke didn't go over your head)


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