Playing catch up
So what's been going on in the past 6 weeks that has kept me so busy that I can't even post on my blog? Well, not much at all. In fact, lets do a quick list to get us up to speed:
-New Jersey still has no snow or ice, which means snowboarding and ice fishing are out of the question (temps are still in the high 40's). Damn you El Nino.
-Dice Matsuzaka signed with the Sox. JD Drew might not pass his physical (hopefully his shoulder will fall off before he signs so the Sox don't get stuck with his ridiculous contract).
-I won $273 in lotto tickets over the weekend.
-I bought a blind gold fish.
-My Mocha Stout has the potential to be the worst beer ever brewed.
-Saw Damien Rice and Glen Hansard in concert (great show by the way).
-Bought a bottle of Borolo that I plan to age for another 10 to 15 years.
-Created a new website dedicated to my beer brewing habit. I'll post the link on here when it is more complete... which will probably be another year or so from now.
That's about it. Just trying to get everyone caught up. I did find a new band that I've been enjoying the last few weeks. Actually, they are not new and just released their 6th studio album. They are called "The Frames" and have reached kick-ass band status. Since they are from Ireland, their albums are a little tough to get a hold of. I actually only have one myself, but I'm in the process of ordering more. I will post more info when I get more of their albums.
I'm sure this will be my last post of the year. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas last week and a happy New Year next week.
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