Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'll follow you into the dark

I know, using a Death Cab quote to title a Red Sox post is a little weird, but stick with me...

I hate to see anybody from the 2004 Red Sox leave the system, but I know it is inevitable. So instead of getting all bent out of shape about it, I'm actually looking forward to the new Red Sox. As long as Ortiz, Nixon and Veritek stick around, I will be happy.

So what do we have to look forward to next year? Well, Damon is most likely gone, which leaves a big hole in Center field. Lucchino said yesterday that Manny is looking to be traded....again. Which would leave a big hole in the clean-up spot. At least we'll have a chance to pick up some talent with the Ramirez trade. Possibly Lastings Milledge from the Mets? I'd love to see the Sox grab some solid defense for the outfield and save some money to spend on quality pitching... I know, I know, I'm being completely unreasonable here.

Youk can take over third base responsibilities if Meuller decides to walk.... However, if Millar and Olerud are gone, then we'll need a new first-baseman. Maybe we can swipe Konerko from the White Sox. If Manny and Damon are gone, we'll have lots of extra money to spend.

With Theo gone, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit worried. I mean, who knows how crazy our next GM will be? I can see the headlines now:
"New GM signs undead Ricky Henderson with newly replaced plastic hip to take over Center Field responsibilities for the Red Sox."
...Ok, I going to pretend I didn't just write that.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

If the Sox signed Rickey... I would trade hats from Oakland to Boston in a heartbeat.


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