My new man-crush
So it's now past the All-Star break and I can finally watch the Redsox again. Wait, let me back up a minute...
To start the season, Cablevision (my cable/internet company based in NY) had contract issues with Major League Baseball and Direct TV. They decided to screw their customers and not offer the MLB package for the beginning of the season. This means I don't get to watch my beloved Redsox.
Apparently 2 months after opening day, Cablevision realized they were making a mistake. They settled their contract issues and started offering the MLB package again... AT FULL PRICE!
WTF? They made me miss 2 full months of the season, then they expect me to shell out full price? I don't think so.
So after the All-Star break, the price of the MLB package drops (not by a lot, but enough), so I finally caved and picked it up.
I hate Cablevision and always will. As soon as Verizon FiOS is available in my neighborhood, I'm signing up.
So enough venting and on to more important things. This year I've decided that Dustin Pedroia is my new favorite player. I picked him up for my fantasy baseball team as a backup 2nd basemen (we've got 14 teams so there were not a lot of options). Once Pedroia caught fire, he's helped my team rocket into first place. After reading some threads on the SOSH website, I found out that since May 3rd, Pedroia has swung at 139 pitches and missed 4."
That's amazing! Seriously, that's absolutely ridiculous.
I'm a big fan of players with fantastic plate discipline. I also like scrappy players who play hard everyday, dive for balls they can't reach and always run out infield grounders. I want the players I root for to love the game instead of just seeing how inflated they can make their paychecks. Those are the real baseball players. Pedroia is still very young, but he seems to fall into that category. I can't wait to start watching on a nightly basis. Go Sox!
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